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Candidate search via LinkedIn and Xing – Utilizing career networks effectively

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Modern candidate search has changed a lot in recent years. While job advertisements in newspapers and job portals used to be sufficient to find qualified candidates, today a proactive approach is required. One of the most effective methods is active sourcing via professional networks such as LinkedIn and Xing. In this article, we will explain the most important cornerstones of Active Sourcing and go into detail about Virtual Recruiters. You will also learn how to successfully use Active Sourcing on career platforms and how to automate the process using tools like MoBerries.

What is Active Sourcing?

Active Sourcing refers to the proactive approach of candidate sourcing, where companies actively reach out to and attract potential candidates for open positions. Instead of passively waiting for applications, recruiters proactively search for and target qualified professionals who may not be actively seeking a new job but are open to a job change under the right conditions.

Active Sourcing has gained significance in recent years as the job market has become increasingly competitive. Many qualified candidates are already employed or do not regularly update their profiles on job portals. Through proactive outreach, companies can gain a competitive advantage by engaging relevant candidates who may not respond to traditional job advertisements. Additionally, Active Sourcing allows for a more precise search for candidates with specific skills and experiences required for particular positions.

Speak to all candidates

Active Sourcing is a targeted recruiting method where companies actively approach potential candidates instead of passively waiting for applications. An essential component of Active Sourcing is the outreach message used by companies to generate interest among potential candidates and motivate them to make contact.

An effective Active Sourcing outreach message possesses specific characteristics. It should be personalized and tailored to the candidate, giving them the sense that they are being perceived as an individual. The message should also be clear and concise, capturing the candidate's attention and piquing their interest. Additionally, providing an engaging and informative portrayal of the company and the position the candidate is being considered for is crucial. Within the realm of Active Sourcing, there are numerous examples of outreach messages. However, many of these templates often sound too automated and can come across as spam to candidates. Given the deluge of messages qualified applicants receive on a daily basis, it is vital for companies to stand out and distinguish themselves from the crowd.

Rather than relying on standardized templates, it is important for the outreach message to have a personal touch. Addressing candidates individually demonstrates that the company has genuinely taken the time to understand their profile. It is of great importance to maintain clear and appealing communication with candidates, particularly regarding the benefits and career opportunities offered by the company. It is essential to avoid pressuring candidates and instead approach them in a friendly and open manner. Furthermore, it goes without saying that using flawless grammar is necessary to convey professionalism.

This is where MoBerries comes into play. Our Virtual Recruiters possess extensive experience in Active Sourcing and have the capability to establish automated and personalized contact with potential candidates. Through this personalized approach, they specifically generate interest in the company among candidates, making it easier to acquire new applicants.

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Another aspect of Active Sourcing is targeting passive candidates. Passive candidates are potential candidates who are currently employed and therefore not actively seeking new career opportunities. However, these candidates can be of great interest to companies as they often possess valuable experiences and expertise. Through targeted outreach and persuasion, recruiters can convince these passive candidates of the benefits of a career change and open them up to a new opportunity.

According to Statista, 27% of employees would change their job for a better job offer. This demonstrates the willingness to switch jobs among employees and provides companies with new opportunities to reach more potential candidates. The phenomenon of job hopping, which refers to frequently changing jobs, is also on the rise. Therefore, companies need to be aware that they are in competition for qualified professionals and must present themselves as attractive in order to acquire talented employees and retain them in the long term. Understanding the needs and expectations of employees and creating appropriate incentives becomes increasingly important in reducing turnover and building a motivated and engaged team.

Networking on Career Platforms

LinkedIn is one of the most popular platforms for Active Sourcing. With over 740 million members worldwide, this professional network offers a wealth of potential candidates. To successfully conduct Active Sourcing on LinkedIn, it is essential to develop a clear recruiting strategy. This includes identifying the relevant target audience, creating personalized and engaging messages, and building relationships with potential candidates.

In addition to Active Sourcing, companies use career platforms like LinkedIn and Xing for employer branding. By providing interesting content and insights into the work environment, companies can make their brand appealing to applicants and reach a broader audience for their job postings. According to a study by the University of Bamberg, 32.2% of candidates use career networks to gather information about new jobs or employers. This indicates that career networks have surpassed traditional methods such as search engines or company websites.

Automating Active Sourcing with MoBerries

To make the Active Sourcing process more efficient, companies and recruiters can rely on MoBerries Virtual Recruiters. MoBerries Virtual Recruiters allow companies to optimize their recruiting strategy by searching for relevant profiles on LinkedIn and proactively reaching out to suitable candidates. This speeds up the acquisition process and saves valuable in-house resources.

The Virtual Recruiters draw on years of experience in engaging with talents through LinkedIn, thus activating relevant candidates.

They are particularly successful in filling challenging positions in the white-collar sector, as they identify the right talents on LinkedIn through targeted searches and reach out to them individually. The result is reflected in the resulting response rate of up to 87%. Benefit from MoBerries' Virtual Recruiters as well. Automate your Active Sourcing and receive tailored candidates.

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Active Sourcing through professional networks like LinkedIn is undoubtedly one of the most effective methods for acquiring qualified candidates for open positions. However, this process can be resource-intensive. However, by targeting passive candidates and leveraging automation tools like MoBerries Virtual Recruiters, companies and recruiters can optimize and streamline the process. The time saved allows HR departments and recruiters to focus more on building relationships with talents, which is crucial for long-term talent retention. Additionally, automation through MoBerries Virtual Recruiters enables even small recruiting teams to efficiently utilize Active Sourcing and achieve significant success.

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